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Import Window


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In the import-window, you can group the import by capture-time, but in the selection there is not the caption time used, but the modify time. Please change the selection to capture time, or make both for grouping: caption and modify time. (before importing I edit a lot of fotos and so capture and modify times are different)





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You are right, we use File Modified Date, and will change "Capture Time" to "File Modified Date".


Unfortunately extracting "Capture Time" will be reflected to the performance rate for large number of importing files, cause it requires to scan images for EXIF/XMP section.


File Modified Date is almost equals to Capture Time if you are importing from a flash card, however it will be different if you copied already your files to a hard drive.

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Hi Murat,


thanks for your statemant. The import into DAMINION is the last step of my workflow. So there are in a folder fotos wich are unmodified or modified at different days. Therefore I would be good to have (in the future) a possibility to group by capture time.



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