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Dropping Location Pins on to the Map


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when dropping a new location pin close to an existing one (by dragging the image on to the map), the new one "melts" with the existing one(s). If the new pin hit the existing exactly all goes as expected. But if there is a small difference in the coordinates you neither can move the pins any longer nor see the preview image by clicking on a pin.


As you can not magnify the map as much so one can seperate the adjacent pins and fix/move their location I find now way to deal with that "spoiled" spot.


Is there any hint to deal with this?


Many thanks



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On your spoiled spot you can use "Show all item at this location" and from thumnail window, select a thumbnail and drag it on map window near your spoiled spot.


This will split pictures from your spoiled Location pin.




that doesn't work for me, because the preview window on the map does not pop up. When moving the mouse over the "Spoiled Spot" it just becomes highlighted, but no other action is possible.



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Sometimes I have to scroll out a little and in again to get the preview. I guess it's some refreshing problem.


But you don't need the preview if you know which image it is. Just go to the image in the catalog and drag it somewhere else on the map, it'll separate them.


This happened to me a few times, images were stucked together, but when I dragged one of them to another location it always solved the problem.

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when dropping a new location pin close to an existing one (by dragging the image on to the map), the new one "melts" with the existing one(s). If the new pin hit the existing exactly all goes as expected. But if there is a small difference in the coordinates you neither can move the pins any longer nor see the preview image by clicking on a pin.


As you can not magnify the map as much so one can seperate the adjacent pins and fix/move their location I find now way to deal with that "spoiled" spot.


A short screencast video will be very helpful here. You can use this small utilityfor this.




that doesn't work for me, because the preview window on the map does not pop up. When moving the mouse over the "Spoiled Spot" it just becomes highlighted, but no other action is possible.


Did you click to the location pin? Can you change the zoom and try to click again?

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