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-757 Importing Jpegs does not always work


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Sometimes I get an error message saying that "the database is locked" while trying to import a single jpeg. After restart of Daminion, the same file can then imported without any problems.


And sometimes the import of a single jpeg doesn't finish without any error message.

The info box still says "importing" but nothing happens. Again, after a restart,the same file can then imported without any problems. This behavior is new with release 757 and I had no such problems with the same files and database with previous releases.

(Daminion standalone on windows7)

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Thanks Murat for your kind offer to have a look into the catalog.

But I recently switched back to a previous backup of that catalog and this catalog was never touched by 757 before and until now, it seems that everything went fine with this one. So the question is, what caused the faultiness of this catalog?

I will keep an eye on it and will see if I can reproduce it. A soon as this problem occurs again, I will post it here.

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So the question is, what caused the faultiness of this catalog?


Did you share and access this catalog across your local network?


This is one of the most popular reasons of possible damaging local catalogs: placing and accessing them via network. We disabled an ability to create standalone catalogs on a shared network location due to this issue. But this is still possible with the existing official 0.9.9 version.


And this issue might be related to the current Daminion build that you use now, we plan to release a minor update today or tomorrow.

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Did you share and access this catalog across your local network?

No, the catalog is on local drive without any sharing.


What I found out in addition is that the "broken" catalog has a file size of 104 MB and the working backup version of it has about 91 MB though there are no major changes existing between them. I have no clue where the additional 13 Megs come from.

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