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Feature request: lens name


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I use manual lenses on my Pentax bodies.

All these lens are reported as 'A Series Lens'.


According to the focal length information I can know that if

focal length is 20mm then the lens is 'Voigtländer Color Skopar 20mm F3.5 SL2',

if focal length is 40mm the lens is 'Voigtländer Ultron 40mm F2 SL2',

and so on ...


At this time, I do this with exiftool by modifying the '-Xmp-aux:Lens' tag. Daminion reads this lens name perfectly.


Because it is so easy to save the corresponding searches in Daminion, it could be very nice to be able to change the lens name in the property panel: write a new lens name (for creation) or choose in the existing lens names from database.


Best regards,



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The Lens tag is read-only because most of the camera manufacturers write lens info inside the EXIF:MakerNotes, which is various from different vendor and camera models. Too many work and it will require a lot of time to support.


What Pentax model do you use. Can you send us a few sample files?

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The Lens tag is read-only because most of the camera manufacturers write lens info inside the EXIF:MakerNotes, which is various from different vendor and camera models. Too many work and it will require a lot of time to support.


What Pentax model do you use. Can you send us a few sample files?


I think you do not understand what I mean.

I apologize for my bad english.


It is something very simple like for the 'software' property.


Nothing to calculate, just propose the list of existing lens in the current database ...

and store the choice in the '-Xmp-aux:Lens' tag.


This could be useful for adding infos that are not in metadata:

for example change "Lens AAA"

to "Lens AAA + Kenko 2x" when using a teleconverter

or "Lens AA + ND8 filter" when using ND filters

or "Lens AAA + Ext 13+31" for macro extension tubes ...

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Nothing to calculate, just propose the list of existing lens in the current database ...

and store the choice in the '-Xmp-aux:Lens' tag.


This could be useful for adding infos that are not in metadata:

for example change "Lens AAA"

to "Lens AAA + Kenko 2x" when using a teleconverter

or "Lens AA + ND8 filter" when using ND filters

or "Lens AAA + Ext 13+31" for macro extension tubes ...



The problem here is the default Lens tag is read-only, and it's mapped to about 30 metadata values in the EXIF/XMP/Makers notes including "-Xmp-aux:Lens".


So if we make the Lens tag is editable we need to update also all 30 mapped metadata fields, when you'll select a user defined Lens model from the list. We can't only map to "-Xmp- aux:Lens" metadata.


You can also create a custom tag for lenses but there is no way to specify user defined XMP schemes at the moment.

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The problem here is the default Lens tag is read-only, and it's mapped to about 30 metadata values in the EXIF/XMP/Makers notes including "-Xmp-aux:Lens".


So if we make the Lens tag is editable we need to update also all 30 mapped metadata fields, when you'll select a user defined Lens model from the list. We can't only map to "-Xmp- aux:Lens" metadata.


You can also create a custom tag for lenses but there is no way to specify user defined XMP schemes at the moment.





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