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Feature request: Write into IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8


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I tagged most of my images with IDimager. Unfortunately it didn't wrote the codedcharacterset into the IPTC. After importing the folder with my images in Daminion, a lot of keywords was importet with the wrong sign:



60% was tagged right: Keywords\Systematik\Vögel\Neukiefervögel (Neognathae)\Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes)\Singvögel (Passeri)\Rabenvögel (Corvidae)\Raben und Krähen (Corvus)\\Aaskrähe (Corvus corone)

40% was tagged wrong: (for example): Keywords\Systematik\Vögel\Neukiefervögel (Neognathae)\Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes)\Singvögel (Passeri)\Rabenvögel (Corvidae)\Raben und Krähen (Corvus)\Aaskrähe (Corvus corone)


The problem was, that the IPTC:codedcharacter wasn't set. Daminion doesn't set it either. Could you change this in new versions, so that this problems won't be repeated?


For example: IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8

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Hi Menace,


IPTC:codedcharacter field was supported in early Daminion versions but then we disabled it while switched to a new image processing library. Some programs ignore this filed while saving information into the IPTC section, and this leads to the problems with decoding national text. I'll re-check this tomorrow.


The best way is to use XMP instead of IPTC. It's faster and unicode compliant.

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Hi Murat,


currently my workaround ist:


IDimager Pro 5:

Tagging images --> Write to the file (hierarchical utf-8) --> Exiftool -IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8 <*.jpg> --> Result: All is shown perfect in Exiftool-Gui; even my name in copyright.

Example: Keywords|Systematik|Vögel|Neukiefervögel (Neognathae)|Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes)|Singvögel (Passeri)|Finken (Fringillidae)|Edelfinken (Fringilla)|Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla)


Daminion (after importing the folder)

Tagging images --> Save metadata to the file --> Exiftool -IPTC:codedcharacterset=utf8 <*.jpg> --> Result: Some signs are shown wrong in Exiftool-Gui.

Example: Miscellaneous|Systematik|V�gel|Neukieferv�gel (Neognathae)|Sperlingsv�gel (Passeriformes)|Singv�gel (Passeri)|Finken (Fringillidae)|Edelfinken (Fringilla)|Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla)


  On 11/18/2012 at 5:04 PM, Murat Korkmazov said:

The best way is to use XMP instead of IPTC. It's faster and unicode compliant.


Yes, I know, but I like this redundant Method even to write it in Exif and ITPC. So If I send other people my fotos, they can recreate the Hierarchical structure even with old software.

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  On 11/18/2012 at 5:34 PM, Menace said:

Yes, I know, but I like this redundant Method even to write it in Exif and ITPC. So If I send other people my fotos, they can recreate the Hierarchical structure even with old software.


Please note that IPTC has some limitations, like 64 character field limit for the IPTC keyword field.

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  On 11/18/2012 at 6:33 PM, Murat Korkmazov said:

Please note that IPTC has some limitations, like 64 character field limit for the IPTC keyword field.


Hi Murat,


thank you for this information; good to know. But I am very happy, that Daminion are writing it in Exif und ITPC.


By the way: Daminion is also the only DAM-Software witch import my very complicated folder with hundereds of subfolder and thousands of different files without any crashing (didn't made: Photo Supreme, IDimager, IMatch 3.6, Microsoft Expression): Congrats for this.

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