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Opening catalog after unexpected shut down crashes program


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I'm using Daminium Build 597, which I just installed. Build 596 was uninstalled during the installation of 597. I ran into a situation where the program stopped with an error message asking if the program should be stopped or if it should try to figure out what went wrong.


The situation was that I click anywhere in the "Film Stip" icon at the bottom of the screen. I haven't been able to duplicate this, but when I first installed Build 597, it said that the the program (Build 596) had been shut down unexpectedly and did I want to open the catalog that had been open. I clicked yes.


I was playing around click the Film Strip icon, which caused the program to immediately stop. This happened several times as I tried to figure it out. As near as I can tell, there was no photo selected at the time, not even with a thin gray line, but I can't guarantee that. I've tried to duplicate this, but, short of just pushing the off button on the computer, I'm not sure how. It seems that once a photo gets selected in any way, the problem can't be reproduced.


But, since I use Acronis to make an image backup up my files every night, I could probably recover the offending catalog and grab a screen image of the "details" in the error window, after opening it again, if you were interested. Given that this problem seems to have arisen from a computer crash, perhaps this is not worth looking into.

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Do you see any error message with a bug-report? It might helps to quickly locate the issue.


Please also try to update Daminion to version


If you use Daminion Standalone version could you please send me your catalog file and your program settings (Ctrl + F12).

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