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Feature Request: Search/Assign in Catalog Panel


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Hi again - just noticed that I can now search for tag in the Catalog panel really nicely - but would love the option to then be able to assigned images to that tag.. right now, it looks like this search is only used for filtering images already assigned to the tag - can we also have the ability to just drop images on the displayed tag(s)?


One other item I found as well - if you type the first letter of a tag, you are taken to the first tag that matches that letter. It seems that open tag hierarchies are searched first which is a nice touch.. could we have an option to continue down the opened tree if you continue to type letters? So:




If I type 'M', the program takes to Mike... if I then hit 'M' again, it should take me to Morgan. Hitting 'M' again would take me to Megan, etc....




If I type 'M', the program takes to Mike... if I then hit 'M' again, it should take me to Morgan. Hitting 'O' would take me to Olivia, etc....


Just a thought! Thx - Andy.

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I've marked your tag structure with code snippet to preserve its hierarchy.


At the moment if you'll press M and then O key, Daminion locates the Morgan tag. If you'll press M and E, the Megan tag will be selected.


Does the behaviour you offered will be better? Because in this case you can't quickly locate a tag by just typing its first 2-3 letters.

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Yeah.. good point.. what is better will depend on the user but I'm pretty sure your way will rule the day... just would be nice perhaps that if a match is not found, then the search would start over with the next key that matches... so if you press 'M' and then 'M'... Morgan would be found instead of just sitting on Mike?


Thx for coding my stuff... didn't think of that!

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Also, what about the thought of assigning labels via a drop onto the tags you find by using the search methods? I find that really helpful - narrow down the tags, then assign them, hit x to clear, rinse and repeat. With hundreds of tags, it gets a bit unwieldy to rely upon the drop downs all the time.


Added to the feature list.

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