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Label names move to new catalog


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Trying to reproduce another issue I’ve came across this situation:


  1. Prepare a fresh catalog (A), import new files.
  2. Add some files with metadata assigned in another catalog (B).
  3. Obviously, the new metadata are now visible in catalog (A).



Before I moved the files, I’ve changed default Label names in catalog (B) to suit my workflow. Now the Labels pane in catalog (A) contains new fields (see screenshot).


The Label tag in Daminion is Urgency or Priority in IPTC therefore it is an integer value only. Why then (and how) the label name is associated with the file? I checked the files in PhotoMe, Exifer, and other IPTC capable apps, there was no reference to names I’ve assigned, it must be Daminion that inherits names somehow.


-- M.


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Daminion maps color labels into XMP (Xmp:Label) field. Make sure that you wrote tags into the file metadata or Auto-Sync feature is turned On.


But we've also map Color Label into IPTC:Urgency field to make Daminion compatible with Nikon View/Capture NX:



According to this mapping, the only default Color labels will be mapped into Urgency field (Red, Green, etc...)


If you'll assign a custom color label to an image it will be mapped into XMP Label field only.

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