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Different tag groups and AND-OR (and NOT)


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When I select different tags within one main Tag group (Keywords for example), it is possible to specify AND or OR in the Tag panel. But if I select one tag from the Keyword group and one tag from the Category group, it is not possible to switch between AND and OR as far as I can see. Similarly, if I select one entry in the People group and another entry in the Place group, it is not possible to specify AND or OR as the search (selection) criterion.


It seems that Daminion defaults to AND when comparing tags from different Tag groups (Place, People, Categories, Keywords and so on). I cannot find a way to specify OR when selecting tags from the main Tag groups. Please correct me if I'm wrong.



1) It should be possible to select AND and OR (and NOT) between Tag groups (and not only inside each main Tag group).


2) Maybe you should move the AND-OR selection box to the Top toolbar (like in Serif AlbumPlus X4 and other Catalog programs). Then the AND-OR selection is always visible. And maybe this is necessary if you implement the possibility to select AND-OR between Tag groups.


3) Maybe you should assign a "hotkey" to the NOT option, for example Ctrl-Shift (in addition to the right click option). Then you can use Ctrl-click to select different tags (where you can specify AND and OR), and Ctrl-Shift-Click to select tags that should NOT be part of the selection / search.


Jøran Toresen

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1. AND-OR for tag groups

You are right, there is no option to change the AND-OR between different tags.

It's not a bug, but part of our vision to query approach. There are very few cases when it might be necessary to connect different query parameters with OR operation.


Let's take a look at the next query: Find images where Date.Year = 2007 OR Keywords = White OR MediaFormat = JPEG. In most cases this will returns the entire collection (like Show All option).


So we decided to tie different type of tags in a query by AND operation by default to simplify the user interface.



2. "hotkey" to the NOT operand.

That is a good idea. We'll consider to adding this option.

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Thank you, Murat.


But I still think you should move the AND-OR selection box to the Top toolbar, where the Show All, Refresh and Advanced Search are located. This will make the user interface more "streamlined".


Jøran Toresen

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