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NOT operator missing


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I select the Keyword Peter. Some of these pictures also show Paul and Mary and I do not want to see (select) picture containing Paul. But it is not possible to exclude picture with Paul since there is no NOT operator in Daminion (as far as I can see). This is a handy feature (or search option) that is implemented in several photo managers.


Jøran Toresen

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I seems that the NOT option is broken in the last build (333). When I select two Keywords (Mallorca and Palma), and right click Palma and select “Hide files with ‘Palma’”, Daminion shows ALL files in my catalog, except files with the keyword Palma. If I remember correctly, this worked in an earlier version. But correct me if I’m wrong.


Jøran Toresen

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The problem is because of a small bug. Daminion will not show AND/OR selector after you selected "Hide File with ..." menu.

And probably your previous selection was OR for the current tag. Daminion remembered your previous Boolean operand choice and show you the query like TagValueA OR Not TagValueB.


As a workaround I suggest you to randomly select 2 tag values and switch OR operand to AND. Then repeat your tag selection.


We'll fix this issue to the next build.

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