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AND and OR – OR does not work


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I select the Keywords Peter and Paul (by clicking Peter and Ctrl-clicking Paul). I have preselected the Boolean operator AND, and Daminion shows all pictures containing both Peter and Paul. This is correct.


But I also want to see all pictures containing either Peter or Paul and select the operator OR. But Daminion does not update my selection (“search”). And it does not help if I choose OR and then select the keywords Peter and Paul – Daminion shows the intersection of the two keywords (AND). I'm running the latest build.


Jøran Toresen

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This bug is already fixed. We'll release a minor build during a few days.


As a workaround I suggest you to click on the "Advanced" button right after selecting the multiple tag values. And switch "AND" to "OR" operation and click on the Search button.

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I would like to recommend that you show the search logic someplace on the screen - perhaps on the status bar or the footer of the catalog window (next to the search results (1 of 49 matches)... so we can know exactly what we searched. It is difficult to determine this when you use multiple folders for complex And/or searches like: Keywords: Flower AND Blue AND Lens: 90mm OR 60mm etc... Seeing this "English" language tells you exactly what you have chosen.

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I still have problems with the AND and OR operators.


I select two keywords and the Boolean operator AND in the Catalog Tags pane. Then I change the operator to OR (while the two keywords are still selected) and nothing happens. I have to reselect the two keywords before I can see all photos containing either the firs keyword OR the second keyword.


I can use the Advanced option and toggle between AND and OR and pressing Search. But it should be possible to automatically switch between AND and OR in the Catalog Tags pane without reselecting tags.


Jøran Toresen

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Of the two screenshots of the search panel, I prefer version 1 because you can use AND and OR on individual keywords: Apple of Peru AND Plant Growth Stage OR Plant Species.


Besides that, you should use AND-OR not and-or to distinguish these operators from tags.


Furthermore: you should include the NOT operator in this search panel: Apple of Peru AND Plant Growth Stage NOT Plant Species


Jøran Toresen

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Hi Jøran,


We forgot to include the AND/OR bug fix to the latest release. Thanks for the note!


> Of the two screenshots of the search panel, I prefer version 1 because you can use AND and OR on individual keywords: Apple of Peru AND Plant Growth Stage OR Plant Species.


On the first screenshot if you change the second boolean operator then the first one will be changed either. Only one logical operation is possible between multiple values of the same tag. For instance you can use:

Categories: Cars AND Boats

Keywords: Сomposite OR Aluminum


But you can't build the query like this:

Categories: Cars AND Boats

Keywords: Сomposite OR Aluminum AND Steel


> Furthermore: you should include the NOT operator in this search panel: Apple of Peru AND Plant Growth Stage NOT Plant Species

Tags that were excluded from the query will be displayed as striced out text. For instance:

Keywords: Сomposite AND Aluminum AND Steel

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