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just a few questions...


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I am thrilled to find this software. My photo collection is growing rapidly, and this is just what I was looking for to catalogue and organize it. But there are a few things I would like help understanding...


When I import more photos, the new folders do not appear in the Catalog Tag sidebar under "Folders". The pictures are in the catalogue, just not accessible from the "Folders" tag. I have restarted Daminion several times, and it did not fix itself, so I thought I'd ask here :)


Also, how is the writing of xmp or iptc information handled on CR2 files? I had understood that it was not possible/advisable to write metadata to raw files? (not that I know much about it :P )

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1. Could you please zip the catalog file and send it to support[a t]daminion[d o t]net


2. Daminion writes XMP metadata into the CR2 format.


To check it:

- assing some keywords (or any other tag(s) ) to the CR2 picture.

- remove the picture from the catalog

- add the picture to the catalog again


You will see that your keywords were restored from the file.

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We use multiple graphic libraries to write the metadata, depending from the metadata and media format. ExifTool is used when other libraries are not capable to handle the metadata. It's slow so we try to avoid using it (except some rare cases).


We've checked the catalog that you sent us. I see 3052 folders in the Folders tag while the total number of imported files are 3177. I've discovered that this issue is present in our bug-tracking list.


Hope we'll resolved it soon.

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