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RoboImport - reimports duplicate files


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In another thread Murat said that RoboImport could be incorporated into Daminion. I have purchased RoboImport (and RoboFolder ), but I have one big problem: RoboImport does not prevent reimport of duplicate files; it just checks if the files exists and then reimport the files and changes the names of the newly imported pictures / movies.


I import to a dynamic folder structure like this:




And backup to folders like this:




In the EVENT folder I change EVENT to a description of the actual event, for example Birthday Peter.


My files are renamed like this (YearMonthDay_HourMinuteSecons_OrigninalName):




Instead of not importing duplicate files, RoboImport changes the name of my files to this:




I wish RoboImport did not reimport duplicate files. As it is now, RoboImport is useless for me (unless I delete my source files after each import session). In short: If a (renamed) file exists, do not import or backup this file.


Jøran Toresen

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