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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Hi, Murat, hi, Uwe, sorry, it seems I missed the relevant discussion in the forum. The files whose tags are not shown remain the same after restarting Daminion or re-opening the catalog. The random behaviour only takes place when deleting files from the catalog and re-importing them. Btw, I'm using version 870 and a local catalog. Thanks for any information should the issue be solved. Daminion is a fvourite of mine. Regards, Thomas
  2. Hi everybody, after importing some 27k jpg files and using excessively hierarchical keywords (still not being an expert) nearly everything works fine for me with Daminion. However, in some cases (about 80 jpg files) a cannot explain the following phenomenon: Tags are not shown in Daminion's file properties panel (please see right-hand side of the attached file) even though the tags are indeed associated with the jpg files as shown by Daminion's "show all tags" option and as I verified using exiftool. Furthermore, there seems to be some random behaviour: When I delete the folders containing those 80 files and re-import the folders, for some of those 80 files the tags are shown while they are not shown any more for some other files. Maybe there is a problem in the tags structure within some of my files? If wanted and helpful, I can send a sample jpg file. Thanks for your help! Thomas
  3. Thanks for this! Regards, Thomas
  4. Hi all at Daminion, my compliments for having developed such a great and really helpful DAM software! The last few days, I encountered the phenomenon that when I deselect the "turn automatically to assign mode" option in the catalog tags properties, Daminion will nonetheless turn automatically to the assign mode after I have assigned some tag to a photo. This has happened since build 765 up to build 772. No one else with the same experience? Regards, Thomas
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